What a busy few days. Yesterday I spent the morning shifting the 'hired' dining table into Mu's room - and then shifting around all the furniture in his room - in preparation for the delivery of our new table. Sure enough it arrived. But it was securely fastened in a wooden crate! With R away overnight, and not being one to wait, I took it upon myself to open that crate and construct that table. End result - one sore hand from a large angry splinter, one hole in foot from standing on a nail, and one very proud girl with a lovely new table! It's quite amazing what you can do with a $9 screwdriver. Now we just need to find some nice chairs....
Turtle & Mu are prepping for tomorrow's 'hiking training'. Turtle is taking it all very seriously, and has asked that I volunteer to be a driver 'Mom'. I've happily put my name down, but wonder what will happen when it comes to the criminal record check (a school requirement). I mean there was that rather unfortunate incident with the Turkish Ambassador's car not so long ago. Not to mention I have developed a frustrating ability to get well and truly lost. So much so the boys both look thoroughly relieved when I arrive each afternoon to collect them.
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