Thursday, August 25, 2011


...and lots of them.

Friday, June 24, 2011

On thousand or so photos later...

Since arriving in San Francisco yesterday afternoon the boys have pretty much photo-documented everything...street signs, pavement patterns, cable cars, plants, their parents, buildings...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Almost ready...

Our bags are packed, visa photos taken, house locked up, and taxi called....later today we will be in San Francisco and the adventure will begin.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The art of exercise...

In preparation for our epic adventure we have been hiking (aka walking) with the boys daily. To add a bit more ompft and enthusiasm to the concept we are trying a different park/walk/garden each day and have discovered some great places. And whilst the precipitation in Portland is admirably close to what we expect with India's monsoon season, the temperatures leave a bit to be desired. I have considered making the boys walk circles in the shower, but think we will just hope for the best as far as the humidity and heat goes...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Guards of the Emerald City...

...twirling their staffs as guards are wont to do.

Possibly the best...

...investment we've made to date.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sometimes all you need is...

Mu told me yesterday when I was trying to do something "sometimes Mummy all you need is a little dash of confidence". Wise words indeed.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Two kinds of valentines...

To celebrate Valentines Day the boys' class held a card swap. This involved each child taking 18 (yes 18!) handmade, or purchased cards to school. Both boys were adamant they would make the 18 cards, but were equally adamant they
a. did not need (or want) any help
b. had no need for fancy supplies
and perhaps most importantly
c. there would be "no lovey-dovey-girly-whirly hearts and stuff"

So come the weekend mass production began. The end results are rather different to say the least...
Exhibit A:
Individually designed and drawn 'postcards', personalised with fonts, colours and flourishes that Mu thought most appropriate for each child...
Exhibit B:
A more shall we say minimal, modernist approach. Clearly the ummm...simplicity of the hearts ensures they don't register on the "lovey-dovey-girly-whirly" scale.